CDF Lecturers – Archive

One highlight at the annual Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA) conference is the lecture presented by an award-winning researcher, speaking about his or her latest (typically CDF-funded) work.

The chosen researcher is recognized for stellar accomplishment.


Past lecturers

2015 – Dr. Denis Sasseville

Interpretation of patch test results; irritant/allergic; assessing relevance; use tests: when to use and what do they mean; how to manage the patient with negative result


2014 – Dr. Jean L. Bolognia

Toxic erythema of chemotherapy – a unifying concept


2013 – Dr. Peter Hull

Looking into their genes


2012 – Dr. Régine Mydlarski

Tales of an immunodermatologist: from bullous disease to skin cancer


2011 – Dr. Harvey Lui

You can’t practise dermatology without light


Dr. Peter Hull, 2013 recipient