2010 Grants

2010 Recipients of CDF Grants


Dr. Akerke Baibergenova
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
CDF Research Grant $5,000
Hospital admissions for cellulitis across Canada
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Katie Beleznay
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
La Roche-Posay Research Grant $10,000
Genomic expression profile (GEP) of erythematotelangiectatic rosacea
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Dr. Jan Dutz
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
CDF Research Grant $20,000
Topical immunomodulation for the desensitization to contact sensitizers
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Dr. Mehran Ghoreishi
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
CDF Colin Ramsay Endowment Fund Research Grant $10,000
Evaluation of type 1 interferon expression in skin lesions of morphea
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Wayne P. Gulliver
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland
Dr George S. Williamson Research Grant (CDF) $15,000
Heritability of familial psoriasis in Newfoundland and Labrador
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Peter Robin Hull
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Winefride M. P. Raye Research Grant (CDF) $10,000
Genetics and acne – a Canadian genome wide association replication study forming part of a collaborative international study
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Dr. Habib Kurwa
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
TaroPharma Research Grant $15,000
Polyomavirus in non-melanoma skin cancer
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Richard GB Langley
QEII Health Sciences Centre, CDHA, Halifax, NS
Stiefel, a GSK company Research Grant $25,000
Confocal scanning laser microscopy of benign and malignant facial papules
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Tim Lee
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Dermik/Sanofi-Aventis Research Grant $25,000
CDF Benefactor Life Contributors’ Research Grant $5,000
Methodology development and assessment for tracking pigmented skin lesions with standard and stereoscopic photography
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Dr. Gang Li
BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC
Amgen Canada/Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Research Grant $25,000
Mechanisms of integrin-linked kinase mediated angiogenesis in melanoma
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Kevin McElwee
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Neutrogena Research Grant $25,000
Regulation of hair cycle by avb6 integrin-mediated activation of TGF-b1
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. P. Régine Mydlarski
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
Leo Dermatology Research Grant $50,000
Astellas Pharma Canada Research Grant $25,000
The role of microRNAs in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Elena Pope
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON
TaroPharma Research Grant $10,000
Vitamin D in patients with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Denis Sasseville
McGill University, Montreal, ON
Johnson & Johnson Professional Dermatology Research Grant $25,000
Edwin Brown-CDA Endowment-CDF Research Grant $20,000
Prediction of disease outcome in cutaneous T cell lymphoma based on gene expression
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Jerry Shapiro
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Janssen-Ortho Research Grant $50,000
CDF Benefactor Life Contributors’ Research Grant $5,000
Antigenic determinants of alopecia areata
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Haishan Zeng
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Graceway Canada Research Grant $25,000
Combining confocal imaging and raman spectroscopy for non-invasive skin cancer detection and margin delineation
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Jianhua Zhao
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Abbott Research Grant $25,000
Two-photon absorption for targeted skin evaluation and phototherapy: a pilot study
Link to Project Abstract

Dr. Youwen Zhou
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Galderma Canada Research Grant $25,000
Gene expression profiles of vitiligo lesional skin: correlation with clinical subtypes and therapeutic response
Link to Project Abstract